Homing from Twin Squeaks

📰 Application process

Please read through the care guide before applying for rats from me. It will answer many basic questions about rat husbandary and the standard of care I expect for rats bred by me.

Once you have read through, please complete an application form. This is not a test, but more to see what you understand about rat care and if there is anything I can help you with.

MY WAITLIST IS CURRENTLY CLOSED, and I am not accepting new applications at this time.

I only home out rats in same sex pairs or trios. I am not in a position to offer out rats for breeding as my lines are new.

Rats cost £20 each. There is no discount for multiples.

🕑 After you have applied

I aim to get into contact with you within 2 weeks. Please bear in mind I work full time which is why the wait is this long. Once accepted, you will be added to a ‘wait pool’. If you have Facebook you will recieve an invite to join the homing group.

🐀 Allocating rats

When I have rats available, I will notify by posting on my Facebook page, Instagram and on this website. It is then up to you to contact me at twinsqueaksrats@gmail.com if you are interested in rats from the advertised litters.

I will then allocate rats to those who have contacted me who I believe I have suitable rats for. I will try and stick to preferences (although with them all being black there won’t be much variety!) however you will not be able to choose individual rats as I want to make sure I pair up the right rats with the right people.

🏠 Picking up rats

When the rats are ready to be homed I will contact you and we can arrange a date and time for collection. This can be from my address or from a show if I am attending one.

You will need to bring:

  • Payment
  • Suitable carrier with suitable substrate in
  • Water source such as cucumber or apple (bottles drip on car rides!)

I will provide:

  • Family Tree
  • Caresheet
  • Suitable wet protein meal (dog food, sardines etc)
  • Sample of my mix

🤝If you home my rats you agree to…

  • Provide them with an enriching life where they can exhibit natural behaviours
  • Provide appropriate veterinary care when necessary
  • Feed them a suitable diet
  • Keep them with other rats and not to house them alone (unless for medical reasons)
  • Not to breed from them or allow them to meet the opposite sex
  • Return the rats to me if you can no longer look after them

✅ In return I agree…

  • That the rats are, as far as I am aware, in good health at the time of homing
  • That the rats may be shown in pet or variety classes, but I cannot promise they are of show quality
  • To provide a family tree, care sheet and any information I have in regards to the health history of the line
  • To take back any rats that can no longer be cared for by you. The reason does not matter, I will provide a home for them or find a suitable home for them

🏘Other Breeders

I encourage people to be on multiple waiting lists if you can as litters do not always pan out!

Check out the NFRS Breeder’s List for more breeders.

I can also recommend these other nearby breeders…

  • Rattray Stud
  • Mesozoic Rattery
  • Gallifrey Stud
  • Arecales Rattery
  • Poplet Rattery
  • Goedric’s Hollow
  • Ratty Asylum